You can now select the old Mono/Legato (Portamento) method in the settings.An option for changing the rhythm after pressing the style buttons.
An Option for turning off Pads with Synchro. An option for the automatic Tempo Lock method. Increasing the maximum duration of samples and sounds/loops up to 5 minutes. Improved Aftertouch for midi controllers. Improvements in the export of MID files. Improvements in the import of SF2 files. Save the selected Portamento method for each instrument in the set. New RAW Player tool for playing and extracting the sounds hidden in non-audio files. Export STY files for Yamaha keyboards (without samples). Import and export ABC Music Notation files (notes written as text). Import styles from Yamaha’s PPI, PPF, and YEP files (without samples). Import compressed samples from KORG sets. Waveform function to create waveform changes in the Track Control section. Added Track Control bar to control Pitch, Volume, Balance, Modulation, and effects during a track. Create a settings page to change script parameters. Some scripts to add capabilities in the instruments. Load script for each DNC by holding the Aftertouch button. Effects: Key Repeat, Key Connection, Pitch Shake, Volume/Pan Shake. Filters: Band Pass, Echo, Equalizer, Flanger, Reverb, 3D Sound, Bass Booster, …. Create a Stand-alone file containing Instruments, Systems, Rhythms …. Export to an Audio file and Share your Music. Import MIDI files, Change Instruments, Edit, Add Filters/Effects and Create a New Music. Make a Multi-Song from a single Song (Duplicate Track and Change Frequency). Virtual Keyboard (Use PC Keyboard and Mouse).
Connect Your MIDI Keyboard and Play or Record in Real-time.
Create and Edit Music Systems (Q.T., 1/8, …).Drum kits (General, Arabic, Persian, …).Thousands of rhythms (Include Intros, Variations, Fills, Break, Endings, and Pads) with Real chords (Press 3 or more keys).Thousands of Musical Instruments (Multi-sample and Recorded from real instruments).Import KORG and Yamaha Instruments and Rhythms.Create and Edit Virtual Instruments from Real Sounds and Tune it.