In the GUI, type in excavate then a number (e.g. For the turtle to retain any programs it has downloaded when the turtle is broken and picked up, it must've been named by the command: 'label set yourturtlename'.Ī great place to get started with this is by right clicking on the Mining Turtle once placed, to open the GUI. Also this action requires an internet connection to retrieve the commands from Pastebin. This is also a useful place to find out many more commands to use on the turtle (by reading the commands written). you can find useful codes from Youtube and.

This is a way to get complicated and long strings of code on your turtle without having to type it up. Note that the commands do not have a capital at the beginning. There are also other commands that are not listed here. go : makes the turtle go, direction: right, left and distance the number of blocks the turtle should go.right or left and turns how often it should turn into this way Turn : turns the turtle, direction: f.e.Programs: shows all programs the turtle has.Unlike excavate, when the turtle's inventory is full, it will simply stop picking up new items, leaving them on the ground. 'tunnel 143' will make a 3X2X143 tunnel in the direction it's pointing). Tunnel: The turtle will dig a 3X2 tunnel for an 'X' amount of blocks.(e.g.If an inventory was placed behind the turtle, it will unload into that inventory, otherwise it will dump onto the ground. When the turtle's inventory becomes full, it will return to its starting location to unload. 'excavate 5' will make the turtle dig down in a hole 5 blocks forward and 5 blocks to the right, including the starting block). Excavate: The turtle will dig in a ?X? straight down to bedrock level (e.g.